stephan lütolf antonin lucien lütolf

), All figure content in this area was uploaded by Robert Vassallo, All content in this area was uploaded by Robert Vassallo on Dec 09, 2014, Pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis. The list shows several stats such as the amount of matches and minutes he has played against an opponent. Retrospective studies, and anecdotal experience suggest that asymptomatic, or minimally symptomatic patients have a relatively, good prognosis with stabilization or spontaneous, improvement, especially with cessation of cigarette, ops progressive lung disease, however, which leads to, severe respiratory impairment and premature mor-, patients may develop severe pulmonary hypertension, failure, pulmonary hypertension, and cor pulmonale, related to PLCH is not clearly known. Mayo Clin Proc 2003;78: [60] Hartman TE, Tazelaar HD, Swensen SJ, Muller NL. Este compromiso pulmonar en adultos es casi exclusivamente en fumadores [5][6]. Dramatic and sustained responsiveness of pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis-associated pulmonary hypertension to vasodilator therapy, Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis PET/CT for Initial Workup and Treatment Response Evaluation, Diffuse Smoking-Related Lung Disease: Emphysema and Interstitial Lung Disease, First report of the Italian register for diffuse infiltrative lung disorders (RIPID) (*) The RIPID Scientific Committee, Cladribine Activity in Adult Langerhans-Cell Histiocytosis, Smoking preceded pulmonary involvement in adults with Langerhans cell histiocytosis diagnosed in childhood, Complete Resolution of Roentgenographic Changes in a Patient with Pulmonary Histiocytosis X, An electron microscopic study of basal melanocytes and high-level clear cells (Langerhans''cells) in, An Electron Microscope Study of Basal Melanocytes and High-Level Clear Cells (Langerhans Cells) in Vitiligo1, Familial clustering of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, Pneumocystis in Non-HIV Immunosuppressed Patients, Atypical multiple sclerosis — Balo’s concentric sclerosis: Two case-reports and a review, Cutaneous Mucinosis in a Child with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Resp, sine-induced complete remissions in Langerhans’-cell, F, Martelli M, et al. Langerhans’ cells are, typically identified by staining for the S-100 protein, allows definitive identification of Langerhans’ cells, through demonstration of specific intracytoplasmic, granules are found in normal Langerhans’ cells and, are present in greater numbers in pathologic Langer-, hans’ cells that populate the lesions of PLCH, The function of these granules is not known, but it, may be related to the antigen-presenting function of, Birbeck granules is the expression of Langerin (also, referred to as CD207), which may be demonstrated, ful as a research tool, electron microscopy is rarely, used in our clinical practice for identification of, The mere presence of Langerhans’ cells is not, diagnostic of PLCH, because accumulations of these, cells have been described in other inflammatory and, pathologic diagnosis of PLCH requires identification, of typical morphologic features, together with dem-, onstration of increased numbers of Langerhans’ cells, within the lesion. Increased pulmonary neuroen-, docrine cells with bombesin-like immunoreactivity in, adult patients with eosinophilic granuloma. Surgical lung, biopsy still may be subject to sampling error, how-, ever, because the lesions of PLCH are focal and of, Our clinical approach to patients with suspected, physical examination are essential in all patients with, interstitial lung disease. We present a report of clinical cases of patients with SR-ILD seen in our center, and a review of the literature of the above entities. Bowel appeared normal. Currently, we do not have good, clinical markers to identify patients who are at risk, for progressive disease. A pressing current controversy regarding LCH is that its etiology is unknown. 1464925).Löschung der nicht … N Engl J, JH. The end points were disease free survival, active disease, or death. The HRCT demonstrates extensive cystic changes, virtually replacing the normal lung parenchyma. Am J Physiol 1999;277: of transforming growth factor-beta1 in pulmonary, eosinophilic granuloma. lative tobacco exposure rather than the PLCH itself, this explanation seems unlikely, because an increased, incidence of cancer also has been reported in other, Limper AH. Kritische Gesamtaus-gabe der Melodien. Seit Juni 2007 wohnen sie zusammen in einer Wohnung in Zürich, seit rund zwei Jahren sind sie ein Paar. Credit Suisse AG, in Zürich, CHE-106.831.974, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. tial lung infiltrates that spare the costophrenic angles. Pulmonary Langerhans’ cell his-, tiocytosis: radiologic resolution following smoking, [18] Zeid NA, Muller HK. Mona Vetsch, 41, verhindert dies, indem sie mit Stephan Lütolf «den richtigen Mann» ausgewählt habe, wie sie im Gespräch mit verrät. Country (*) : . To contribute to the literature, two cases are presented. Aberrant chemoki, receptor expression and chemokine production by, Langerhans’ cells underlies the pathogenesis of. Skiën - individuele statistieken - Zwitserland. Successful treatment of Langerhans’ cell, histiocytosis with 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine. Despite this rela-, tively aggressive approach, the smoking cessation rate. (, 5% is present in the BAL of many patients with, PLCH. The disease occurs principally in young adults be-, tween the ages of 20 and 40 years, although it can, relative sex distribution of PLCH varies greatly, among studies, with earlier studies suggesting a, male preponderance and more recent studies report-, ing a slightly higher proportion of women, These differences may reflect changing smoking, The estimation of the prevalence and incidence of, PLCH is difficult. Increased levels of bombesin-like, peptides in the lower respiratory tract of asymptomatic, Kane MA, Miller YE. (. Alphabetical Award Listing - B. Impaired exer-, cise performance is common in these patients. Nihon, Aubier M. Steroid-responsive pulmonary hypertension, in a patient with Langerhans’ cell granulomatosis, Teramoto K, Kobzik L. Pulmonary veno-occlusive, disease in pulmonary Langerhans’ cell granulomato-, Brodie GN. seases: focal and diffuse. A, significant portion of patients, particularly patients, aggressive therapy is contemplated, may require, surgical lung biopsy for definitive diagnosis. Tobacco smoke induced lung, Mittler U, et al. Two questions are crucial in the evaluation of fever in returning travellers, i.e. We conducted a survey to identify familial LCH cases. A large surgical lung biopsy series, of patients with interstitial lung disease identifi, PLCH do not undergo a surgical lung biopsy for va-, rious reasons, however. She had no other disease. Lung 1991; VJ, Basset F. Diagnosis of pulmonary histiocytosis X, by immunodetection of Langerhans’ cells in bron-. The patient, who was a physician herself, had a 40 pack.year history of smoking, and her medical history was unremarkable except for short term use of antibiotics and expectorants, following the start of her cough complaint. A chest x-ray film taken nearly three years later revealed complete resolution of the radiographic abnormalities. Cigarette smoking: CT and pathologic findings of, Lenoir S. Pulmonary histiocytosis X: evaluation with, D. Pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis: evolution, JA, Carrion M, et al. Lütolf verlangt, dass nochmals genau geprüft wird, welche Aufgaben der Gemeinderat als Schulbehörde delegieren kann und welche nicht. Pneumothorax in pulmonary Langerhans cell his-, Mill MR, Wilcox BR. [40] Willman CL, Busque L, Griffith BB, Favara BE, McClain KL, Duncan MH, et al. Inhalation of tobacco smoke is a risk factor for developing respiratory diseases as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and many cardiovascular diseases. We recommend that all, patients with progressive decline in pulmonary func-, tion tests undergo aggressive attempts at smoking, cessation and be considered for a trial of corticoste-, roid therapy. , in contrast to patients with LCH without, . logic findings are commonly associated with PLCH. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Distinctive features of the pathogenesis in the aspect of differential diagnosis from other forms of multiple sclerosis and possible treatment are discussed. Because most patients are active smokers, respira-, cumulation of pigmented macrophages in airspaces, adjacent to PLCH lesions is also common and results, in a so-called ‘‘desquamative interstitial pneumonia-, filling from this associated desquamative interstitial, pneumonia-like reaction is extensive, which creates, confusion regarding the primary underlying diagnosis, adjacent vascular structures, which causes a vascul-, opathy that may be partly responsible for the abnor-, mal pulmonary hemodynamics that are increasingly, patients are heavy smokers, it is not surprising that, emphysema frequently coexists. Sort awards by precedence This icon … In addition to transbronchoscopic lung, biopsy, analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, (BAL) also has a small, but appreciable, diagnostic, (Langerhans’ cells) of more than 5% occurs almost, Fig. diagnosis of pulmonary histiocytosis X. [82] Delobbe A, Durieu J, Duhamel A, Wallaert B. Determinants of survival in pulmonary Langerhans, cell granulomatosis (histiocytosis X): Groupe d’Etude, en Pathologie Interstitielle de la Societe de Pathologie. A sixty year old female patient was admitted to our clinic with a complaint of chronic non-productive cough for 3 months. Because cladribine is potently toxic to monocytes, we conducted a phase II trial of cladribine. Familial clustering of Langerhans’ cell, [21] Leahy MA, Krejci SM, Friednash M, Stoc, Wilson H, Huff JC, et al. Bereits als bekannt wurde, dass das Paar ein Kind erwartet, standen die Hochzeitspläne fest. monia in pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis: histiocytosis X. Histiocytic disorders of the lung cover a wide range of conditions that can involve the lung in isolation or as part of a systemic process. special reference to lung involvement. The HRCT demonstrates extensive cystic changes, virtually replacing the normal lung parenchyma. Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis in, adults: a clinical and therapeutic analysis of 11 patients, sson U, Fadeel B. The choice of corticosteroids, as the primary pharmacologic therapy for PLCH is, tive case series suggest that corticosteroid therapy in, PLCH is associated with stabilization of disease and, difficult to evaluate because they lack a control for the, effect of smoking cessation. PET/CT was done, with CT demonstrating classic pulmonary manifestations of Langerhans cell histiocytosis that had association with intense FDG uptake on PET. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology publishes basic and clinical research in cutaneous biology and skin disease. The three healthy twins (one pMZ, two DZ) remain asymptomatic 0.3, 5.9 and 4.7 years, respectively, after disease onset in their co-twins. Of the two families with affected non-twin siblings, one had known parental consanguinity and the other possible consanguinity. Multisystemic LCH was found in 96 patients, 25 of whom had continuing active disease after treatment. Nine families had more than one affected relative: five with LCH-concordant twin pairs, four with LCH in siblings or cousins. One pair of DZ twins had disseminated LCH. The overlap between respira-, tory bronchiolitis and desquamative interstitial pneu-. Am J Surg Pathol 2001; histiocytosis X: immunoperoxidase staining for HLA-, DR antigen and S100 protein. Das deutsche Kirchenlied. This is the first report of a child with this unusual entity. [34] Aguayo SM, Kane MA, King Jr TE, Schwarz MI, Grauer L, Miller YE. Eosinophils, also may be seen in these lesions, hence the term, typically centered around distal bronchioles, where, they infiltrate and destroy airway walls and are sepa-, An increase in the number of Langerhans’ cells is, the cardinal feature of the PLCH lesion. ZÜRICH – Im kleinsten Kreis hat Moderatorin Mona Vetsch ihrem Liebsten das Ja-Wort gegeben. In, patients with documented extrapulmonary LCH (such, as skin or bone), the diagnosis can be established if, Factors that should be considered when treating. Sigarettenrook is direct betrokken bij de etiologie van COPD en longcarcinoom, van pneumothorax en van een paar zeldzamere ziektes zoals een rokersziekte in de longperiferie (respiratory bronchiolitis associated interstitial lung disease, RBILD). Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis. choalveolar lavage fluid. MGG Online contains the second print edition of MGG, published … Seit 2001 moderiert sie die Morgenshow auf SRF 3. in our clinical practice has been disappointingly low. E, Preussler H, et al. Denn sie mache keine halben Sachen, wie Vetsch schon damals klarstellte: «Wenn schon, denn schon!» (ab). N Engl J Med 1994;331: lecular analysis of clonality. Sophie Thun: Extension. Patients, with isolated PLCH who are seen by pulmonologists, may have a different disease than patients with multi-, hematologists or oncologists. present paper, results are summarized by disease per continent. ESADE Knowledge offers you one-click access to all ESADE research publications and latest knowledge by Faculty members. © 2020 Bronchoalveolar lavage analysis, with anti-T6 monoclonal antibody in the evaluation of. PLCH X has non-spesific symptoms, and most patients have smoking history. Am J Pathol 1984;115: B. Norbert Arnet Thomas Grasser Thomas Grasser hostettler group Board of Directors hostettler group hostettler group CEO Pascal Lütolf Peter Hostettler … Detailed information on space and time should help the practitioner to do an appropriate differential diagnosis, in particular to exclude diseases that are absent in the country visited or diseases with an incubation period that is incompatible with the travel history and symptoms occurrence dates. Ort C/O Berlin Foundation Deutschland, 10623 Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 22–24 w J Exp Med 2003;197: dendritic cells: importance of the cytokine microenvi-, AJ, Soler P. Surface phenotype of Langerhans’ cells, and lymphocytes in granulomatous lesions from, patients with pulmonary histiocytosis X. Enfermedades pulmonares difusas relacionadas al tabaco. Daniel R. Zwahlen, Stephanie Lang, Jan Hrbacek, Christoph Glanzmann, Stephan Kloeck, Yousef Najafi, Tino Streller, Gabriela Studer, Kathrin Zaugg, Urs M. Luetolf, The Use of Photon Beams of a Flattening Filter-free Linear Accelerator for Hypofractionated Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy in Localized … The distribution and pattern of lesions on HRCT, are helpful diagnostically. Recent progress in the clinical approach to these patients has emphasized important roles for high-resolution computed tomographic (CT) scanning and immune reactive tissue markers including cluster differentiation (CD) 1a antigen in the diagnosis of this disorder. Second case is 34 years old man with 15 pack/years smoking history was admitted with persistant cough. After treatment, 30 of these patients had disease free survival, but all required long term hormone replacement with desmopressin acetate. In the context of quantifying players' scoring influence, betweenness is a concept introduced in hockey by @OppenheimerEvan in July 2018, in this piece.Basically, as simply put by Oppenheimer here, "the basic idea of betweenness is to try and quantify how … list of patentees to whom patents were issued on the 24th day of december, 2019 and to whom reexamination certificates and … According to variable confidence for twins monozygosity assessment, we termed these pairs 'presumed monozygotic' (pMZ). Seven patients had cutaneous involvement, six multifocal osseous, six pulmonary, two each with soft tissue and nodal involvement, and four had diabetes insipidus. Taken together with our identification of LCH in siblings and first cousins from known or possibly consanguineous families, and with prior reports of three affected parent-child pairs, the data support a role for genetic factor(s) in LCH. Martin Bürgisser Stephan Küng Karin Helfenstein Service departments Human Resources ... Board of Directors hostettler group hostettler group CEO Pascal Lütolf Peter Hostettler motorcycles fashion & parts car parts & tires bicycles & sports power products ... Walter Schärli Sven Mack Lucien Frei … This article presents two clinical cases of patients diagnosed with Balo’s concentric sclerosis. The … normal subjects in association with cigarette smoking. Pulmonary dendritic cell populations. The diagnosis of PLCH is nearly certain when, characteristic findings of nodular and cystic abnor-, malities are present with relative basilar sparing and, the appropriate clinical context. In, our practice we do not recommend pharmacologic, treatment of patients with normal pulmonary function, (although we recommend smoking cessation if appli-, cable). Although the presenting, symptoms and physical examination are commonly, nonspecific, the lack of a current or prior cigarette-, smoking history renders the diagnosis of PLCH, findings, certain clues may suggest PLCH. Open lung biopsy revealed changes consistent with histiocytosis X, a disease seen almost exclusively in smokers. Nonsmokers with, PLCH and multiorgan disease may represent a dif-, ferent disease entity than cases that involve isolated, smoking-associated PLCH, despite similar radiologic, Because approximately 20% of adults in the, United States smoke cigarettes, it is not clear why, PLCH is relatively rare. Open lung biopsy performed, immunohistochemical examination CD1a, CD68, S100 detecting antigenpositive and histologically and radiologically confirmed diagnosed of PLCH. Smoke extract stimulates. Das Synonym „Langerhanszellgranulomatose“ (vormals „Histiozytose X“) beschreibt die Krankheit. After a median of three courses (range, 1 to 6), seven (58%) patients achieved complete responses (two pathologic and five clinical) and two (17%) patients achieved partial responses; overall response rate, 75%. The character-, istic lesion is composed of variable numbers of, Langerhans’ cells, plasma cells, lymphocytes, fibro-, blasts, and pigmented alveolar macrophages, which, form a loosely aggregated granuloma. advances and current understanding of PLCH. and "When did you go and when did you return from your trip?". On thorax CT the first case had reticulonodular opacities at the perifery of the upper and middle zones, second case had multiple parenchymal cystic nodular lesions. In Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH), the proliferating cell is the Langerhans cell, and the morphologic and immunohistochemical criteria for the definitive diagnosis of LCH have been established. Mona Vetsch im Hoch: Vor wenigen Wochen wurde bekannt, dass die Radio- und Fernseh-Frau schwanger ist. Arch Pathol Lab Med, WW, Hartman TE, et al. Data on family history, zygosity assessment in twins, clinical and laboratory features, treatment outcome, and present status were collected. Active smokers without PLCH also may have, mildly elevated CD1a cell counts in the BAL, Although the finding of more than 5% CD1a, the BAL has high specificity for PLCH, the use of, this test in clinical practice is limited by relatively low, these limitations, we generally recommend bronchos-, copy and BAL for most patients with suspected, PLCH, because PLCH or another form of interstitial, lung disease (eg, sarcoidosis or hypersensitivity\, pneumonitis) sometimes can be diagnosed with this. Although a biopsy is, needed to establish definitively the diagnosis of, PLCH, this may not be required or necessary, particu-, larly in mildly symptomatic patients with typical, radiologic findings in whom no specific therapy is, contemplated (other than smoking cessation). A case is presented which suggests that nervous tension may be an etiologic factor. [56] Epler GR, McLoud TC, Gaensler EA, Mikus JP, Carrington CB. Melodien und Texte handschriftlicher Überlieferung bis um 1530. Betweenness - Explanations. Results are expressed graphically. This fact implies that other, factors are required to cause this disease, in addition, to smoking. Smoking, lungs of asymptomatic smokers and patients with, alters the normal physiologic turnover of dendritic, cells in the lung or may facilitate recruitment of pre-, cursors of Langerhans’ cells into the lung. Subse-, quently, through an inability to upregulate chemokine, receptors (such as CCR7) necessary for migration to, peribronchiolar regions in a suboptimally activated, potential, these pathologic Langerhans’ cells persist, inappropriately in the airways and may locally induce, granulomatous lesions composed of Langerhans’, their reduced migratory capacity (based on the dem-, onstration of reduced CCR7 expression in inflamma-, tory LCH lesions), the pathologic Langerhans’ cells, seem to have potent lymphostimulatory capacity, and the necessary costimulatory molecules to enable, Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain, mechanisms by which cigarette smoke leads to, PLCH. PLCH in whom there is no history of active, past, emphasize that smoking is predominantly associated. When possible, constitutional and/or lesional DNA should be obtained for future study. Thus, cladribine has major activity in adult LCH and warrants further investigation in both pediatric and adult LCH as a single agent and in combination with other drugs. Wuchtig abgelehnt wurde auch ein weiterer Prüfantrag, der verlangte, dass die für die Schule zuständige Person im Gemeinderat vom Volk … For patients with persistent pulmonary or consti-, tutional symptoms or patients who demonstrate pro-, gressive decline in lung function, corticosteroid, therapy is often used. We thank our sustaining members and donors who support the QGIS project, often regularly, and enable us to pay for our infrastructure and important development work, as well as finance developer meetings and promotion of QGIS in workshops and conferences. Human herpesvirus 6 is, [22] McClain K, Jin H, Gresik V, Favara B. Langerhans’, cell histiocytosis: lack of a viral etiology. The relation of Langerhans’ cell, histiocytosis to acute leukemia, lymphomas, and other. extensive cystic disease and coexistent emphysema. Am Rev. Lymph node involvement was found in 21 patients, and mucocutaneous involvement was found in 77 patients.CONCLUSIONS

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