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Some of the Venetian Epigrams were held back from publication due to their sexual content. [8] All their children, with the exception of Johann Wolfgang and his sister Cornelia Friederica Christiana (born in 1750), died at early ages. “Goethe the Librarian.”. - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe - (Alemania, 1749-1832) Poeta, novelista, dramaturgo y científico alemán.La poesía de Goethe expresa una nueva concepción de las relaciones de la humanidad con la naturaleza, la historia y la sociedad; sus dramas y sus novelas reflejan un profundo conocimiento de la individualidad humana. 1932. [7] Johann Caspar married Goethe's mother, Catharina Elizabeth Textor, at Frankfurt on 20 August 1748, when he was 38 and she was 17. The French "spoon guards", the least disciplined soldiers, occupied Goethe's house: The 'spoon guards' had broken in, they had drunk wine, made a great uproar and called for the master of the house. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. This prematurely terminated his career as a lawyer after only a few months. In Leipzig, Goethe fell in love with Anna Katharina Schönkopf and wrote cheerful verses about her in the Rococo genre. Born on 28 August 1749 in Frankfurt, Germany, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a writer and German literary figure. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Faust Bekannteste und wichtigste Arbeit Wissen Pakt mit dem Teufel Sein Leben Sein Werk 28. Perhaps the single most influential piece is "Mignon's Song" which opens with one of the most famous lines in German poetry, an allusion to Italy: "Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blühn?" Douglas Miller, Karl August, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, "Social Relations, Shared Practices, and Emotions: Alexander von Humboldt's Excursion into Literary Classicism and the Challenges to Science around 1800", "Goethe und Carl August – Freundschaft und Politik", Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, "The auto-biography of Goethe. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Biografie Biografie Herkunft : Frankfurt am Main geboren : 28. Ye'l representante más conocíu del periodu clásicu alemán ("Weimarer Klassik") y según la crítica ún de los meyores escritores en llingua alemana. Com'st ever, thus, with ill intention? Goethe was also a cultural force. [41] He wrote several works on morphology and colour theory. The remaining year is largely undocumented, aside from the fact that he spent much of it in Venice. "[52] In this, he anticipated Ewald Hering's opponent colour theory (1872).[53]. 1,237 likes. März 1832 in Weimar Beruf: Dichter, Künstler und Naturforscher > bedeutendster Schöpfer deutschprachiger Dichtung Familie Familie Großvater mütterlicherseits : How could I, to whom the only significant things are civilization [Kultur] and barbarism, hate a nation which is among the most cultivated in the world, and to which I owe a great part of my own culture? [citation needed] Along with Schiller, he was one of the leading figures of Weimar Classicism. But that in my century I am the only person who knows the truth in the difficult science of colours—of that, I say, I am not a little proud, and here I have a consciousness of a superiority to many. Karl Robert Mandelkow, Bodo Morawe: Goethes Briefe. [57], Many of Goethe's works, especially Faust, the Roman Elegies, and the Venetian Epigrams, depict erotic passions and acts. [103] Eliot presented Goethe as "eminently the man who helps us to rise to a lofty point of observation" and praised his "large tolerance", which "quietly follows the stream of fact and of life" without passing moral judgments. [109], Goethe's scientific and aesthetic ideas have much in common with Denis Diderot, whose work he translated and studied. [89] The medievalism of the Heidelberg Romantics was also repellent to Goethe's eighteenth-century ideal of a supra-national culture.[90]. The Faust tragedy/drama, often called Das Drama der Deutschen (the drama of the Germans), written in two parts published decades apart, would stand as his most characteristic and famous artistic creation. 1: Briefe der Jahre 1764–1786. 1818 quotes from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: 'One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words. Every creature is its own reason to be. She was emotionally distraught at the time, but they were eventually reconciled.[24]. He produced volumes of poetry, essays, criticism, a theory of colours and early work on evolution and linguistics. O Goethe's ideas on evolution would frame the question that Darwin and Wallace would approach within the scientific paradigm. 12, p. 121; trans. But there exists a level at which it wholly disappears, and where one stands, so to speak, above the nations, and feels the weal or woe of a neighboring people as though it were one's own. In 1832, Goethe died in Weimar of apparent heart failure. In the 1790s, he undertook Galvanic experiments and studied anatomical issues together with Alexander von Humboldt. He writes about this period: I had from childhood the singular habit of always learning by heart the beginnings of books, and the divisions of a work, first of the five books of Moses, and then of the Aeneid and Ovid's Metamorphoses. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28  d'agostu de 1749, Frankfurt del Main - 22  de marzu de 1832, Weimar) yera un escritor y poeta alemán (amás de científicu, teóricu del arte y políticu). His father and private tutors gave the young Goethe lessons in all the common subjects of their time, especially languages (Latin, Greek, French, Italian, English and Hebrew). 2. edition. Thus...[not] the question, What are they for? [61][62] His own descriptions of his relationship to the Christian faith and even to the Church varied widely and have been interpreted even more widely, so that while Goethe's secretary Eckermann portrayed him as enthusiastic about Christianity, Jesus, Martin Luther, and the Protestant Reformation, even calling Christianity the "ultimate religion,"[63] on one occasion Goethe described himself as "not anti-Christian, nor un-Christian, but most decidedly non-Christian,"[64] and in his Venetian Epigram 66, Goethe listed the symbol of the cross among the four things that he most disliked. In it, he contentiously characterized colour as arising from the dynamic interplay of light and darkness through the mediation of a turbid medium. The two became close friends, and crucially to Goethe's intellectual development, Herder kindled his interest in Shakespeare, Ossian and in the notion of Volkspoesie (folk poetry). Although in his academic work he had expressed the ambition to make jurisprudence progressively more humane, his inexperience led him to proceed too vigorously in his first cases, and he was reprimanded and lost further ones. "[59] On another occasion he wrote: "I like boys a lot, but the girls are even nicer. The author W. Daniel Wilson [de] claims that Goethe engaged in negotiating the forced sale of vagabonds, criminals, and political dissidents as part of these activities.[25]. März 1832 1776 1823 Catharina Elisabeth Goethe Johann Wolfgang Goethe Johann Caspar Goethe Gestorben am 22. During his first meeting with Napoleon in 1808, the latter famously remarked: "Vous êtes un homme (You are a man)! [110], Thinkers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson would take up many similar ideas in the 1800s. He also took great pleasure in reading works on history and religion. [54] In the Kurschner edition of Goethe's works, the science editor, Rudolf Steiner, presents Goethe's approach to science as phenomenological. Goethe, now in his seventies, was greatly impressed by the child, leading to perhaps the earliest confirmed comparison with Mozart in the following conversation between Goethe and Zelter: "Musical prodigies ... are probably no longer so rare; but what this little man can do in extemporizing and playing at sight borders the miraculous, and I could not have believed it possible at so early an age." But it was not to last long. During convalescence, Goethe was nursed by his mother and sister. Steiner elaborated on that in the books The Theory of Knowledge Implicit in Goethe's World-Conception[55] and Goethe's World View,[56] in which he characterizes intuition as the instrument by which one grasps Goethe's biological archetype—The Typus. [85] At the time of the French Revolution, he thought the enthusiasm of the students and professors to be a perversion of their energy and remained skeptical of the ability of the masses to govern. said Zelter. Carl Vogel: "Die letzte Krankheit Goethe's". Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is considered […] [103] Matthew Arnold found in Goethe the "Physician of the Iron Age" and "the clearest, the largest, the most helpful thinker of modern times" with a "large, liberal view of life. Lines from Faust, such as "Das also war des Pudels Kern", "Das ist der Weisheit letzter Schluss", or "Grau ist alle Theorie" have entered everyday German usage. During his first ten years in Weimar, Goethe became a member of the Duke's privy council, sat on the war and highway commissions, oversaw the reopening of silver mines in nearby Ilmenau, and implemented a series of administrative reforms at the University of Jena. [51] Goethe's work also inspired the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, to write his Remarks on Colour. "[96] The two discussed politics, the writings of Voltaire, and Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther, which Napoleon had read seven times and ranked among his favorites. "[66], Born into a Lutheran family, Goethe's early faith was shaken by news of such events as the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and the Seven Years' War. During the year and a half that followed, because of several relapses, the relationship with his father worsened. Goethe also pursued literary plans again; this time, his father did not have anything against it, and even helped. At this time, Goethe was acquainted with the court of Darmstadt, where his inventiveness was praised. The novel remains in print in dozens of languages and its influence is undeniable; its central hero, an obsessive figure driven to despair and destruction by his unrequited love for the young Lotte, has become a pervasive literary archetype. Goethe clearly saw human sexuality as a topic worthy of poetic and artistic depiction, an idea that was uncommon in a time when the private nature of sexuality was rigorously normative. All its parts have a direct effect on one another, a relationship to one another, thereby constantly renewing the circle of life; thus we are justified in considering every animal physiologically perfect. 27, 1828), and the cantata Die erste Walpurgisnacht (The First Walpurgis Night, Op. Goethe was a Freemason, joining the lodge Amalia in Weimar in 1780, and frequently alluded to Masonic themes of universal brotherhood in his work,[91] he was also attracted to the Bavarian Illuminati a secret society founded on 1 May 1776. The intimate bond with von Stein lasted for ten years, after which Goethe abruptly left for Italy without giving his companion any notice. Faust became the ur-myth of many figures in the 19th century. Goethe was, however, the first to systematically study the physiological effects of colour, and his observations on the effect of opposed colours led him to a symmetric arrangement of his colour wheel, "for the colours diametrically opposed to each other ... are those which reciprocally evoke each other in the eye. The outer shape of the work's plot is widely taken over from what Goethe experienced during his Wetzlar time with Charlotte Buff (1753–1828)[18] and her fiancé, Johann Christian Kestner (1741–1800),[18] as well as from the suicide of the author's friend Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem (1747–1772); in it, Goethe made a desperate passion of what was in reality a hearty and relaxed friendship. By the time of his death, in order to gain a comprehensive view in geology, he had collected 17,800 rock samples. By 1820, Goethe was on amiable terms with Kaspar Maria von Sternberg. During his Italian journey, Goethe formulated a theory of plant metamorphosis in which the archetypal form of the plant is to be found in the leaf – he writes, "from top to bottom a plant is all leaf, united so inseparably with the future bud that one cannot be imagined without the other". The fact that Werther ends with the protagonist's suicide and funeral—a funeral which "no clergyman attended"—made the book deeply controversial upon its (anonymous) publication, for on the face of it, it appeared to condone and glorify suicide. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1750 geboren 1832 gestorben Wer war Goethe eigentlich? Goethe, aside from official duties, was also a friend and confidant to the Duke, and participated fully in the activities of the court. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Geboren 28 August 1749 in Frankfurt am Main Gestorben 22 März 1832 in Weimar Ende Bekannteste Werke Der Zauberlehrling (Zusammenfassung) letztes Werk Faust. Later, a facet of its plot, i.e., of selling one's soul to the devil for power over the physical world, took on increasing literary importance and became a view of the victory of technology and of industrialism, along with its dubious human expenses. Goethe noted in his diary: "Fires, rapine, a frightful night... Preservation of the house through steadfastness and luck." Johann reflected, "There is nothing more charming to see than a mother with her child in her arms, and there is nothing more venerable than a mother among a number of her children. "And yet you heard Mozart in his seventh year at Frankfurt?" His uncritical admiration for many contemporary poets vanished as he became interested in Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Christoph Martin Wieland. If an ever busy imagination, of which that tale may bear witness, led me hither and thither, if the medley of fable and history, mythology and religion, threatened to bewilder me, I readily fled to those oriental regions, plunged into the first books of Moses, and there, amid the scattered shepherd tribes, found myself at once in the greatest solitude and the greatest society. Herr Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Goethe admitted that he "shot his hero to save himself": a reference to Goethe's own near-suicidal obsession with a young woman during this period, an obsession he quelled through the writing process. He was fascinated by mineralogy, and the mineral goethite (iron oxide) is named after him. Frankfurt del Main[2], 28  d'agostu de 1749. Ye'l representante más conocíu del periodu clásicu alemán ("Weimarer Klassik") y según la crítica ún de los meyores escritores en llingua alemana. They had already had several children together by this time, including their son, Julius August Walter von Goethe (1789–1830), whose wife, Ottilie von Pogwisch (1796–1872), cared for the elder Goethe until his death in 1832. p. 343, Scientific Studies, Suhrkamp ed., vol. Goethe's influence was dramatic because he understood that there was a transition in European sensibilities, an increasing focus on sense, the indescribable, and the emotional. 116-125 Johann Wolfgang Goethe was born on 28 August 1749 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany as son of a lawyer. "Germany's greatest man of letters… and the last true polymath to walk the earth." in his home; this became a recurrent theme in his literary work Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Updated March 31, 2020 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (August 28, 1749 – March 22, 1832) was a German novelist, playwright, poet, and statesman who has been described as Germany’s William Shakespeare. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, and critic who was considered the greatest German literary figure of the modern era. [3], A literary celebrity by the age of 25, Goethe was ennobled by the Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Karl August, in 1782 after taking up residence in Weimar in November 1775 following the success of his first novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774). The next work, his epic closet drama Faust, was completed in stages. "[30], Mendelssohn was invited to meet Goethe on several later occasions,[31] and set a number of Goethe's poems to music. He continued, "Pederasty is as old as humanity itself, and one can therefore say, that it resides in nature, even if it proceeds against nature....What culture has won from nature will not be surrendered or given up at any price. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Entitled Götz von Berlichingen, the work went directly to the heart of Goethe's contemporaries. Eckermann closes his famous work, Conversations with Goethe, with this passage: The morning after Goethe's death, a deep desire seized me to look once again upon his earthly garment. "Yes", answered Goethe, "... but what your pupil already accomplishes, bears the same relation to the Mozart of that time that the cultivated talk of a grown-up person bears to the prattle of a child. "[101] Staël's portrayal helped elevate Goethe over his more famous German contemporaries and transformed him into a European cultural hero. [35][citation needed], Goethe was fascinated by Kalidasa's Abhijñānaśākuntalam, which was one of the first works of Sanskrit literature that became known in Europe, after being translated from English to German.[36]. In old age, he explained why this was so to Eckermann: How could I write songs of hatred when I felt no hate? Goethe's original draft of a Faust play, which probably dates from 1773–74, and is now known as the Urfaust, was also published after his death.[39]. 28. )[20], In 1775, Goethe was invited, on the strength of his fame as the author of The Sorrows of Young Werther, to the court of Karl August, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, who would become Grand Duke in 1815. He is considered to be the greatest German literary figure of the modern era. [6] Nietzsche wrote, "Four pairs it was that did not deny themselves to my sacrifice: Epicurus and Montaigne, Goethe and Spinoza, Plato and Rousseau, Pascal and Schopenhauer. [19] Despite the immense success of Werther, it did not bring Goethe much financial gain because copyright laws at the time were essentially nonexistent. Though he had studied law in Leipzig and had been appointed Imperial Councillor, Johann Caspar Goethe was not involved in the city's official affairs. Goethe Sur Kant. If I tire of her as a girl, she'll play the boy for me as well". Goethe's words inspired a number of compositions by, among others, Mozart, Beethoven (who idolised Goethe),[40] Schubert, Berlioz and Wolf. "[87][88] He did not join in the anti-Napoleonic mood of 1812, and he distrusted the strident nationalism which started to be expressed. [100], Germaine de Staël, in De l'Allemagne (1813), presented German Classicism and Romanticism as a potential source of spiritual authority for Europe, and identified Goethe as a living classic. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Escritor alemán –Es feliz, sea rey o campesino, el que encuentra paz en su hogar– Considerado el literato más importante en lengua alemana. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Short Biography. In April 1770, Goethe left Frankfurt in order to finish his studies at the University of Strasbourg. His first acquaintance with Shakespeare's works is described as his personal awakening in literature.[14]. The luck was Goethe's, the steadfastness was displayed by Christiane. For instance, in Faust, the first use of Faust's power after signing a contract with the devil is to seduce a teenage girl. Every moment is of infinite value. [33] He is buried in the Ducal Vault at Weimar's Historical Cemetery. August 1749 - Frankfurt am Main geboren 22. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Frankfurt an Main, 28 de Agosto de 1749 — Weimar, 22 de Márcio de 1832) fui un scritor alman i pensador que tamien ancursionou pul campo de la … Johann Wolfgang Goethe, înnobilat în anul 1782 (n.28 august 1749, Frankfurt am Main – d. 22 martie 1832, Weimar) a fost un poet german, ilustru gânditor și om de știință, una dintre cele mai de seamă personalități ale culturii universale. Goethe finished Faust Part Two in the year of his death, and the work was published posthumously. [105] He emphasized Goethe's "cultural and self-developing individualism", humanism, and cosmopolitanism.[105]. His writings were immediately influential in literary and artistic circles. [75] Like Lessing and Herder, in many respects, Goethe was a devoted Spinozist. 14 talking about this. Goethe's father, Johann Caspar Goethe, lived with his family in a large house (today the Goethe House) in Frankfurt, then an Imperial Free City of the Holy Roman Empire. [111], His views make him, along with Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, and Ludwig van Beethoven, a figure in two worlds: on the one hand, devoted to the sense of taste, order, and finely crafted detail, which is the hallmark of the artistic sense of the Age of Reason and the neo-classical period of architecture; on the other, seeking a personal, intuitive, and personalized form of expression and society, firmly supporting the idea of self-regulating and organic systems. [22][23], In 1776, Goethe formed a close relationship to Charlotte von Stein, an older, married woman. From 1765-1768 he studied law at Leipzig University. The first part was published in 1808 and created a sensation. Profile: German writer, artist and politician, born 28 August 1749 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, died 22 March 1832, in Weimar, Germany. Goethe embodied many of the contending strands in art over the next century: his work could be lushly emotional, and rigorously formal, brief and epigrammatic, and epic. [65] According to Nietzsche, Goethe had "a kind of almost joyous and trusting fatalism" that has "faith that only in the totality everything redeems itself and appears good and justified. Suicide is considered sinful by Christian doctrine: suicides were denied Christian burial with the bodies often mistreated and dishonoured in various ways; in corollary, the deceased's property and possessions were often confiscated by the Church. [76][77] He was also a pantheist, like some other prominent Spinozists such as Flaubert and Albert Einstein. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, critic, and amateur artist. [92][91] Although often requested to write poems arousing nationalist passions, Goethe would always decline. Having achieved both literary and commercial success in his lifetime, Goethe remains one of the most influential figures in modern era literature. [86] Goethe sympathized with the American Revolution and later wrote a poem in which he declared "America, you're better off than our continent, the old. With these I must come to terms when I have long wandered alone; they may call me right and wrong; to them will I listen when in the process they call each other right and wrong."[95].

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